
Seeds, Plants, & Gardening

Seed Library

The Seed Library provides free seeds to residents to promote lifelong learning and encourage stewardship of natural resources. Seed Library is located in the library magazine room just across from our Information Desk.

Propagation Station

The North Liberty Library is excited to offer a household plant swap and propagation station! Donate, swap and adopt rooted household plant cuttings for free. The propagation station is open to everyone in the community, and you do not need a library card to participate! Visit the plant station in our magazine room just past the fireplace and next to the large windows.

Outdoor Garden Space

Visit our outdoor garden space located just North of the library next to the Community Center playground.

  • Play Garden Filled with dirt, trucks, shovels, fossils, and gemstones the first bed garden bed encourages kids of all ages to get their hands dirty and explore nature.
  • Cutting Garden Packed with zinnias, sun flowers and other pickable flowers, the middle garden bed provides work and food for pollinators while also providing flowers for visitors to pick and enjoy.
  • Pollinator Garden The third garden bed has been curated as a pollinator oasis providing host plants, habitat and nectar for various life stages of native butterflies and bees.

Training with Master Gardeners

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