Featured Artist: Sadagat Aliyeva March 13, 2024
Sadagat Aliyeva
Sadagat Aliyeva was born and raised in Baku, Azerbaijan. In 2004, at the age of 38, Aliyeva moved to the States with her family. Faced with adjusting to a new country and language, she jumped into her love of drawing and refined her skills in the Des Moines Area Community College graphic design program. In the beginning of 2021 following her calling, Sadagat quit her full-time job to focus on art. She loves sharing her authentic experiences through her poetry, fairytale-like stories, and whimsical illustrations. Sadagat’s art is inspired by quotes of wisdom, nature, and beauty in human existence. Consistent flow and movement spontaneously reflected in Sadagat’s illustrations. She connects ancient Azeri miniature art, folk-art, and contemporary in her creations. Sadagat’s aim is to inspire and uplift viewers through her art.
Showcase Artwork at the Library
If you are a local artist interested in showcasing your artwork at the library contact Kellee by calling the library at (319)626-5701 or by email at kforkenbrock@northlibertyiowa.org.