
DIY Touchscreen Gloves By: Library Staff January 11, 2021

January YLAH T(w)een Kit – Touchscreen Gloves

Supply List:

  • Gloves (you can also use your own)
  • Needle
  • Conductive thread

Watch the instructional video of your librarians doing the craft HERE

1. Thread your needle.
2. Find out which parts of your fingers make contact with your screen. *Possibly the inside edge of your thumb and the tip of your index finger.
3. Sew a few stitches in the finger of your glove (3-5 stitches should be enough).  On the outside, try to make the stitches pretty close so it only touches the screen in a small area (about 1/4″ in diameter) This will help your finger touches be more accurate. If it doesn’t seem to work very well, try increasing the size of the stitches on the outside.
4. Leave some hanging thread on your knots inside the glove. Make sure the thread touches your finger inside the glove.
5. Test the gloves out with your touchscreen. If you’re still having trouble swiping, try adding some more stitches.
6. Optional: Repeat steps 2-5 on the other fingers of your gloves that you use on your screen.
7. Share your results with us on Instagram (@nlcl_teens) and Snapchat (nlclteens)

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