
Smokey Bear Reading Challenge By: Library Staff September 19, 2024

Only you can prevent wildfires!

Help Smokey celebrate his 80th birthday by learning how to prevent wildfires and help the environment. Participate in the Smokey Bear Reading Challenge with the North Liberty Library from September 3 to October 31.

Read 3 books and earn 4 badges to complete the challenge and earn a small prize. Each person who completes the challenge will also get their name entered in a prize drawing for a chance to win the game Shadows in the Forest! Start by taking Smokey’s Pledge. Badges are earned by completing at least one activity in each section of the Reading Challenge Log.

This challenge is geared for ages 4 to 10, but all ages are welcome to participate.

Challenge log and activity sheets are available in the library or can be printed at home using the links below.

Presented by the U.S. Department of Agriculture & Forest Service


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